extension is actively developed and is updated periodically on this site and also uploaded to .
There are many samples ranging from simple demonstrations to full programs included in the dll zip.
A detailed change log and current version check can be viewed by running
extension objects, for the full API (functionality and syntax) see preview above.
LD3DView |
A 3D modelling set of methods for the GraphicsWindow. |
LDArray |
A faster array method for large 1D arrays with 1000+ elements using integer indexing. |
LDBits |
Bitwise logic to store binary flags in a single variable as bits. |
LDBlueTooth |
Bluetooth connections. |
LDCall |
Call a subroutine as a function with arguments and optional return value. Call any extension method asynchronously or make a call from another pre-compiled Small Basic program. |
LDChart |
Customisable chart control, including pie, doughnut, bubble, bar and column charts. |
LDClient |
The client methods for a client server multi-PC application. |
LDClipboard |
Methods to set and get data to and from the clipboard. |
LDController |
Get input from one or more USB attached controllers (e.g. gamepad or joystick). |
LDControls |
Additional controls for the GraphicsWindow, including TreeView, RichTextBox, WebBrowser, ListBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, RadioButtons, MediaPlayer, Slider, ProgressBar, PasswordBox, DocumentViewer, Menu, ListView and DataView. Right-click context control menus for any shape or control. Drag and drop for some controls. |
LDCursors |
Set cursors in the GraphicsWindow. |
LDDataBase |
Create, access and query SQLite, MySQL, SqlServer, Oledb or Odbc databases. See zetcode for SQLite primer.
LDDateTime |
Utilities to manipulate and calculate date and time differences, i.e. manipulate past and future dates. |
LDDebug |
A debugging tool and auto instrumentation to create breakpoints. |
LDDialogs |
Additional dialog utilities, including a blocking popup waiting dialog, tooltips, calendar, font, colours, GraphicsWindow right-click context menu and multi button message box. |
LDDictionary |
Fix for broken Dictionary object in version 1.0 (also includes Spanish dictionary). |
LDEffects |
Set visual effects to any shape or control. |
LDEncryption |
Encrypt and decrypt some text or create a password hash. |
LDEmail |
Send email using an smtp server. |
LDFastArray |
Fast 1D, 2D and 3D arrays with CSV file access. |
LDFastShapes |
Methods to modify shapes by integer index and batch update (faster). |
LDFigures |
Add some shapes like arcs, polygons, callouts and arrows. |
LDFile |
File utilities like read and write CSV (comma separated value) files, read files to an array, file length, music file play time, print a file, get system folder paths, read non-UTF8 encodings like ANSI and save/read all variables. |
LDftp |
Upload, download, delete and list files by ftp, including binary and text files with an option to transfer asynchronously |
LDGeography |
Geography web based data. |
LDGraph |
Graph plotting methods including export to Excel and CSV. |
(formerly in LDUtilities and LDShapes) |
Export of GraphicsWindow to image files or print, and other utilities like pause and resume GraphicsWindow updates, GraphicsWindow icon, minimise/maximise the GraphicsWindow, transparent GraphicsWindow, over-ride GraphicsWindow close, disable window close buttons and Flood Fill regions. |
LDHashTable |
The hashtable provides a fast and efficient way of storing key-value pairs. |
A low level generic USB Human Interface Device (HID) interface. |
LDIcon |
Create an icon file from an image. |
LDImage |
Extends ImageList to include image processing. |
LDInline |
Include C#, VB or JScript methods, properties and events to compile and call from your Small Basic code. It can also create dlls or extensions and use or probe other .Net dlls. |
LDIOWarrior |
Access IOWarrior USB devices (see Code Mercenaries IO-Warrior).
LDList |
A data storage object similar to arrays where indices are automatically maintained. It is much faster than Small Basic arrays and has other useful features. |
LDLogic |
Logical operations. |
LDMathX |
Extended math, including FFT. |
LDMatrix |
Matrix algebra, for example to solve linear systems of equations. |
LDMusic |
Extends Sounds.PlayMusic to include additional instruments and notes can also be played synchronously (chords). |
LDNetwork † |
Web methods, including a method to store and retrieve game high scores and store game data. |
LDPhysics |
A larger set of methods to simulate Dynamic Collision Physics using the Box2D engine. This is the same physics engine used for Angry Birds.
LDQueue |
A data storage object similar to a stack, except that values are stored first-in first-out. |
(formerly in LDUtilities) |
Regex operations. |
LDResources |
Save and load images, sounds, files and text/variables to a single file to provide with your program. |
LDScrollBars |
GraphicsWindow ScrollBars, careful use allows a scrolling type game. |
LDSearch |
Web base Bing searches. |
LDServer |
The server methods for a client server multi-PC application. |
LDSettings |
Store and retrieve settings for your programs. |
LDShell |
Extended shell file methods (code by Pappa Lapub). |
LDSort |
Array sorting by index and value, with number and string sorting supported. |
LDSound |
Record and save sounds from a microphone. Play system sounds. |
LDStatistics |
Statistics on a 1D array of numbers and random sample generation with normal, binomial, uniform and triangular distributions. |
LDStopwatch |
Accurate system stopwaches. |
LDText |
Text utilities, including, split, compare, trim, replace and find-all. |
LDTextWindow |
TextWindow utilities, including low level key events, interruptable Read or ReadNumber, capture and print TextWindow, set more TextWindow colours,. |
LDTimer |
Additional timers. |
LDTranslate UPDATED |
Language translation. |
LDUnits |
A general purpose unt conversion system. |
LDUtilities UPDATED |
List of available fonts or colours, culture number conversions and some assorted utilities. |
LDVector |
3D vector algebra methods. |
LDWaveForm |
Create PPM (Pulse Position Modulation) sound signals to control RC (remote control) devices and simple sound waveforms. |
LDWebCam |
A webcam object for the GraphicsWindow, with some simple effects. |
LDWindows |
Create additional GraphicsWindows. |
LDxml |
Methods to parse xml files. |
(formerly in LDUtilities) |
File Zip archiving. |
† The php files in the folders gamedata and highscore on this website are those used by the LDNetwork extension methods. You may use these with your own web site. Since the php files are both called server.php you should keep the gamedata and highscore file structure. To use the LitDev extension commands in LDNetwork with these php files (see download below) on your web site, you must first set the network location using the property LDUtilities.NetworkURL in your Small Basic code. The default value is "https://litdev.co.uk" where the folders gamedata and highscore are located.